Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Studio 14 Installation for August, Pipes

Pipes is an installation of pvc pipes hanging from the ceiling of the studio at various lengths. The appearance is such that they look like they are suspended in mid air, giving a weightless affect. A couple of the pipes were attached to each other with connectors. The installation is monochromatic and unstructured, as if one took all the connections of a geometric pipe sculpture apart and let them hang free in space. As a result, the viewer is able to move into and through the pipes, and the pipes are capable of responding to the unique movement of each participant. The viewer is invited to cut the pipes at will.  A pipe cutter is placed on a small glass table in the center of the room.

One result of the installation is an un-structuring, in which the viewer can participate to push the un-structuring further by cutting the pipes. Any meaning from this particular installation is found not in the building action, but in letting all the elements of the pipe materials used 'just be' in the space, not to 'be built', and that the work as a whole can intimately respond to the viewer's participation (movement through the pipes) in a more direct and authentic way as a result.

Further meaning for the viewer can be derived from actively un-structuring the pipe even more by cutting it with the pipe cutters, requiring a choice and action from the viewer. Various symbolic meanings may become apparent from cutting the pipe which may provoke new association to one's unique perception and identification in the space.