Friday, March 19, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

part of onE poem

part of a poem by Danielle Collobert that i like:

numerous images – unceasingly a body there – no – that body there – the one banging its face against the wall – maybe – no walls fictive also – unnecessary walls – no – only to see from the place of the present invisible – here – facing the stripped body – arms motionless yet sweeping around in space without meeting anything to lean on – temporary connection – just for an instant – to slow the breathing down – slow down the beating – to quiet down – this body seeking the place – the hollow in which to melt back down again – heat ruptured – and cold of the world around – its place or position unsure to inscribe against the lack – the shocks of the day

Monday, March 1, 2010

posting currently in a group show at the art hop pine st artworks building across from maltex bldg

displacement. a series of 4 canvases. acrylic. wire. 09'.

a: the volume or weight of a fluid displaced by a floating body of equal weight.

b: the redirection of an emotion or impulse from its original object to another.

c: the substitution of another form of behavior for what is usual or expected.

d: the act or process of displacing.

bench figures, charcoal 99'.